The clarion call for the transition to 100% renewable energy has been issued. More than 100 cities across America have pledged to make that transition–many by 2035. They are not alone. Large companies such as Walmart, Nike, Starbucks and Proctor & Gamble have also pledged to go green. Does the technology exist to make this a reality? Are power utilities prepared? This panel discussion will address the environmental drivers and the practical aspects of the transition from fossil fuels to alternatives both renewable and nuclear.
Nuclear power is still a relevant and important piece of the U.S. energy mix and currently provides 20% of the electrical needs of the U.S. However, most nuclear power is the U.S. is more than 40 years old. Learn about the next generation of nuclear power such as the potential of very small nuclear reactors providing power to the electrical grid, portable nuclear for power in remote locations and the use of nuclear for other purposes such as space exploration.
Wind turbines and solar panels are dependent not only on sunshine and the wind blowing, but also batteries to store the generated energy. Does current battery technology provide a feasible option? Lastly, where are the public utilities in this discussion? A power company’s perspective will round out this comprehensive look at how we will power our future.