Hot Topics 2021

Behind the Lens: The Story Behind the Story

Thu Feb 18, 2021
6:00 PM - 7:45 PM
Event Video

Emily Taguchi is the director and producer of “After Parkland,” a documentary that details the aftermath of the Parkland school shooting. Three years and four days from the date, a former student returned to his high school, Marjorie Stoneman Douglas in Parkland, Florida and opened fire, killing 17 students and faculty and injuring 17 others, Taguchi joins the Vail community for a conversation about addressing important social issues and how documentaries can spark dialogue and focus on the humanity at the core of these issues.

Taguchi is currently a producer at ABC Nightline. In addition to her role directing and producing “After Parkland,” a feature-length documentary, her documentary work has highlighted other important issues such as aging, the politics of food and the challenges faced by transgender children.

A veteran journalist, Taguchi will address what stories get told, how topics are presented, and how television reporting differs from documentary reporting. Documentaries by their very nature address hot button issues that often have numerous facets and journalists must make the call as to which to amplify and which to avoid. Find out how Taguchi makes that call. Join the Vail Symposium to learn how Taguchi’s journalistic instinct to “listen and play witness” is translated into visual journalism.

Our virtual programs are graciously sponsored by Alpine Bank.

Event Video