Consciousness 2018

Orbs and the Afterlife: Survival of the Soul

Thu Oct 11, 2018
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
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What are orbs and what do they mean for our lives? In this fascinating program, Virginia Hummel will discuss the link between the orb phenomenon and our true identities as eternal souls. Learn how orbs are connected to near-death experiences and the human soul as validated by doctors, scientists and healthcare workers. View orb photographs with human faces of deceased loved ones requested to appear as orbs and learn the secrets of great orb photography.

Virginia’s connection with the orb phenomenon started with the appearance of a brilliant ball of light or orb, twenty months after the death of her son. From there, it led to people, places, research and experiences that revealed the workings of a divine plan and clues to our eternal nature hidden in plain sight.


This program is generously underwritten by Cathy & Bill Bethke

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Virginia Hummel

Virginia Hummel

Chairman of Orb Encounters