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Life in the Wrong Lane: Why Journalists Go In When Everyone Else Wants Out

Wed Mar 13, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Event Video

NEW DATE! Now March 13, 2024

When disasters and conflicts strike and people flee, journalists run against the flow of traffic, straight into places where everyone else wants out.  What compels them to go in, and how do they calculate the risks when they’re there?

Join veteran journalist and former foreign correspondent Greg Dobbs for his behind-the-line stories that range from the funny and wacky to the scary and unbelievable.

Greg Dobbs is an award-winning journalist who has covered the U.S. and more than 80 countries around the world for ABC World News, Nightline, 20/20, Good Morning America, and World Report. Having been on the front-lines, including standing at the side of a fellow journalist as he was shot in Tehran during the Iranian revolution, Dobbs understands the risks that are taken to report the news. He shares his experience and war stories, both amusing and dramatic, to have an in-depth conversation about the role of the press and the responsibility that role places on individual reporters.

Recommended Reading available at The Bookworm in Edwards:
Life in the Wrong Lane: Why Journalists Go In When Everyone Else Wants Out by Greg Dobbs

Event Video


Greg Dobbs

Greg Dobbs
