Special Event 2024

Ethical Leadership Forum featuring Richard Lackey & Dr. Karambu Ringera

Fri Oct 18, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Students Shoulder-to-Shoulder and the Vail Symposium are proud to co-present the plenary session at the 2024 Ethical Leadership Forum!

The Ethical Leadership Forum is a collaborative event that brings together emerging and experienced leaders across sectors—education, non-profit, business, government, philanthropy, media and more—to learn, share and grow their unique and interconnected ways of advancing ethical leadership.

The $75 ticket includes the keynote presentation, “One Humanity, One Planet – Regenerative Ecosystems To Balance People, Planet and Prosperity” featuring Richard  Lackey, founder and chairman of The World Food Bank, and Dr. Karambu Ringera, founder and president of International Peace Initiatives, Meru, Kenya, interactive lunch session and community conversation. Please plan to participate from 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. All proceeds benefit Students Shoulder-to-Shoulder and Vail Symposium.

The presenters are:

  • Dr. Karambu Ringera was born and raised in Kenya and is the Founder and President of the International Peace Initiatives. She is a visionary, an activist, a compassionate, committed, formidable force for change, and an inspiration to all who meet her.
  • Richard Lackey is an American business entrepreneur with more than 30 years of diverse professional experience. In 2017 Mr. Lackey founded the World Food Bank Group to leverage new technologies in food storage to resolve many of the challenges associated with commodity sourcing, and market volatility that prevents small farmers from earning a strong and sustainable income and prevents food and feed manufactures from operating efficiently. Mr. Lackey’s vision is that the World Food Bank will serve as a catalyst for lifting tens of millions out of poverty while regenerating soil, cleaning water, and bringing unprecedented levels of nutrition and food security to the world.

Click here to learn more about the entire Ethical Leadership Forum and click here to learn more about Students Shoulder-to-Shoulder. To view the details for October 18 and to purchase your ticket, click the blue Tickets button on this page.


Richard Lackey

Richard Lackey

Chairman & CEO

World Food Bank

Dr. Karambu Ringera

Dr. Karambu Ringera

Founder & President

International Peace Initiatives