Geopolitical 2018

Is It the End of the World As We Know It? Addressing Geopolitical Concerns in a Time of Uncertainty

Thu Jan 25, 2018
6:00 AM - 8:45 PM
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No one lives in a bubble and now, more than ever, Americans are paying attention to worldwide concerns and our nation’s foreign policies. This two day, four-session program will provide an in-depth focus on major international issues that the United States and the rest of the world are facing as well as raising important questions. 

Thursday, January 25. Session 3: 6 -7:15 p.m.; Session 4: 7:30 – 8:45 p.m.

Session 3: Is China destined to rule the world? with Ambassador Christopher Hill
The economic boom in China has created a significant world power and revived the Chinese perception of filling their rightful place at the top of the world order, economically and politically. What does this mean for the United States and the rest of the world?

Session 4: Is the Post War Order Collapsing? with Jamie Metzl 
Since World War II, and especially the collapse of the Soviet Union, there has been a relatively consistent world order. This is now being brought into question. Each of the previous sessions will cover pieces, but this presentation will provide an integrated, worldwide view.

This program is generously underwritten by Rob LeVine & Evelyn Pinney and Sandy & Fred Pack. 


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Jamie Metzl

Jamie Metzl

Founder and Co-Chair

Partnership for a Secure America

Ambassador Christopher R. Hill

Ambassador Christopher R. Hill

George W. Ball Adjunct Professor

Columbia University

Greg Dobbs

Greg Dobbs
