Conversations on Controversial Issues 2024

Third Party Possibilities in the American Political Landscape: Conversations on Controversial Issues moderated by Clay Jenkinson

Tue Jun 18, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Event Video

Nancy & Stephen Dowdle, Carole & Pete Feistmann, Laine & Merv Lapin, Jeanne & Dale Mosier, Mary Pat & Keith Rapp, and Sandy & Fred Pack underwrite the Conversations on Controversial Issues series.

Special thanks to Vail Valley Partnership

The American political landscape has long been dominated by two parties. Is there room for a third political party? When has it worked? What circumstances would make it possible today? What are the drawbacks and benefits to a multiparty democracy, the system in most European democracies?

Join moderator Clay Jenkinson together with Andy Craig,  Director of Election Policy for the Rainey Center and Jack Santucci, political scientist and author of “More Parties or No Parties: The Politics of Electoral Reform in America,” as they take a historical, current and futuristic look at third-party possibilities in the American political landscape.  Clay, Andy and Jack will discuss successful third party candidates including Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt and the history of third party spoilers.  They will then look to current politics and the future, including the potential of “no labels,” the long-term future outlook, and other democracies that operate with multiparty systems.

Recommended reading available at The Bookworm in Edwards:
Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop: The Case for Multiparty Democracy in America” by Lee Drutman

Event Video


Jack Santucci

Jack Santucci

Author and Political Scientist

Andy Craig

Andy Craig

Director of Election Policy

The Rainey Center

Clay Jenkinson

Clay Jenkinson


Dakota Sky Education, Inc.