Vladimir Yavachev

Vladimir Yavachev

Operations and Project Director | Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Vladimir Yavachev was born in Sofia, Bulgaria in 1973. At 17 he moved to New York City to study film at NYU and work for his uncle Christo. He has been involved in all of Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s major projects for the past 32 years in various capacities in and out of the studio, starting out as a photographer Wolfgang Volz’s assistant on The Umbrellas(USA/Japan 1991). He worked on “Wrapped Trees” (Switzerland 1998), and “The Gates” (USA 2005) and was the operations director on “The Floating Piers” (Italy 2016) and the project director on “The London Mastaba” (London 2018). After successfully realizing Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s posthumous work “L’Arc De Triomph, Wrapped” (Paris 2021) he is currently working on realizing their final work “The Mastaba, Project for United Arab Emirates,” which when realized, will be the largest and only permanent sculpture from the artist duo.