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From Bruce Cryer: Two Workshops!*
*Sign up for Part 1 alone or Part 1 and 2 together (Part 2 not available separately).
Sept. 15th Workshop
Part 1: 10 a.m. – noon: “Up Your Game: The Practical Science and Tools of HeartMath for Well-Being, Resilience and Vitality”
Thanks to more than 400 peer review studies on the efficacy of HeartMath tools in a range of practical applications – cardiovascular health, hypertension, stress reduction, brain health, cognitive advancement, immune support, emotional stability and self-regulation, test anxiety, athletic and musical performance, and many others – it is now well established that practice of the HeartMath techniques can lead to profound improvements in areas desired by the student.
In this two-hour workshop, you will build a new foundation for well-being, inner strength, flexibility and resilience.
- You will learn three techniques to apply to stressful situations before, during or after they occur.
- You will learn the importance of positive emotions in overcoming negative behaviors in any area of your life
- You will learn how to reset your system quickly after a shock or big stressor.
- You will learn how to recharge your physical, mental and emotional systems quickly.
- Your mind will learn key information that is vital to your well-being and survival, while your heart will guide you deeper into understanding the inherent intelligence of the heart within the human system.
Sept. 15th Workshop
Part 2: 1:30-3:30 p.m.: “Unleashing Creativity: Five Catalysts to Activate Your Creative Power for Business, Health, Relationships and Youthing”
The two year health journey that dominated Bruce’s life from 2009-2011 had a silver lining – the renaissance of his creative spirit as a singer, dancer, writer, and photographer. The more he allowed himself to dive deep into creative practices, the more he realized there was a limitless supply of creative energy in himself and in the heart of all people.
However ,most people are completely unaware of this massive potential, or worse yet, deny that they could ever see themselves as creative.
Bruce’s journey and rebirth, led Stanford to commission him to create a course focused on Creativity as Your Personal Well-Being Strategy, a program Bruce has been teaching to Stanford faculty, staff, alumni and the general public since 2017.
The program is based around Bruce’s Five Catalysts model to activate Creativity in each individual, as well as any organization. During the afternoon workshop, we will explore each of the five catalysts:
- Mindfulness (with heart)
- Movement
- Nature
- Playfulness
- Artistic Expression
The highly interactive, fun, and engaging workshop will have you smiling as, together, we explore new possibilities in the creative heart of each one of us. Join us!
Purchase tickets for:
Session One: Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022 – Part 1 – 10 a.m. – noon ONLY
Both Session One and Two: Thursday, Sept. 15, 2o22 – Part 1 and 2 – 10 a.m – 3:30 p.m.