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According to Jason Pack, senior analyst at the NATO Foundation and author of “Libya and the Global Enduring Disorder,” the world seems to have gone directly from a hegemonic US-led international system to an interregnum in global order. The traditional phase of multipolarity—or restoration of the balance of power or even a struggle among rival systems of order–has been skipped.
In order to examine the collective action failures typical of our new geopolitics, Pack presents the Libya and Ukraine conflicts as ideal microcosms. He sees the rise of neo-populism throughout the democratic world as connected to this “enduring disorder.” In this program, Pack will examine the current state of the world and American policy towards key geostrategic hotspots framed in light of Pack’s “Enduring Disorder” concept. Expanding on the discoveries of his core research on Libya, he will discuss how the West’s response to the Ukraine crisis highlights where today’s geopolitics seem to be headed, bringing into sharp focus the need for a Western-led, rules-based global order and institutions like NATO. He will be joined in conversation with former NBC News correspondent George Lewis.