The Reunited States of America: Turning political differences into opportunities

Thu Jun 29, 2017
6:00 AM - 6:00 AM
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The Reunited States of America:
Turning political differences into opportunities

Hot Topics

with Mark Gerzon

June 29, 2017

Antlers at Vail | Lionshead Village


Facebook might not be the best place to hash out political differences with your friends and colleagues, but there is a time, a place and a way to discuss your conflicting opinions, and something to be gained by doing so.
Join Mark Gerzon, professional mediator and author of the book “The Reunited States of America: How we can Bridge the Partisan Divide,” for an interactive program that will challenge participants to stop living in the “divided states” and to become active citizens of the “Reunited States of America.”
In the past, says Gerzon, Americans could disagree without demonizing each other. But now, we have replaced healthy partisan debate with brutal political brawling, where nothing but winning matters. Loyalty to party has replaced love of country.
There is a solution: join the movement to reunite America by being open to learning, to changing, to working with people you disagree with and to being open to finding new solutions. This session is focused on the process of dealing with controversial issues in our political dialogue and trying to determine the areas of common interest to move beneficial programs forward. It will include discussions on such controversial subjects as climate change and immigration.
Gerzon is a pioneer on the frontier between the political left and right. Ever since he designed and facilitated the Bipartisan Retreats for the United States House of Representatives, he has worked to foster common ground problem-solving and a “New Patriotism” based on inclusion, respect and diversity. Whether working with public entities like the United Nations, corporations or nonprofits, he helps leaders bridge the great divides of our time.



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Watch Mark’s TEDxVail talk: “Loving Your Country, Loving Yourself”
Note! There will be a 30-minute reception at 6:30 p.m. The talk begins at 7:00 p.m.