New for the 2021 Summer season: The Vail Symposium will offer two of the Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions programs. These programs are a great addition for Vail Symposium supporters looking for a more engaging experience.
Great Decisions is America’s largest discussion program on world affairs. The program model involves reading the Great Decisions Briefing Book, provided when you register for the program. The reading will take about an hour.
The program itself consists of three parts:
- Watch the documentary film (about 30 minutes)
- Enjoy small group discussion (about 30 minutes)
- Come back together to compile small group findings (approximately 30 minutes)
This first Great Decisions program discusses Global Supply Chains and U.S. National Security.
The shutdown of global supply chains due to the Covid-19 pandemic brought to the fore an issue with the high level of global economic interdependence. What happens when one country is the main source for an item, like vaccines or pharmaceuticals, and then can no longer supply the item? Countries suddenly unable to meet the demand for certain supplies are faced with growing calls for economic nationalism. What are some of the lasting effects that the pandemic could have on global supply chains and trade? How would this affect national security?
To learn more about the Great Decisions program, watch this video.